Security and New Threats in Healthcare (SENTH)

SeNTH – Security & New Threats in Healthcare


This project aims to investigate the security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, particularly in the context of implantable and wearable sensors. Key objectives of the project are: (i) to understand how to undertake security process and threat modelling for body sensor networks involving both wearable and implantable devices whilst combining the human, cyber and physical elements (ii) to investigate the security mechanisms that can be provided on low power ASICs combining elements of confidentiality, user control and fail-safe mechanisms and (iii) to establish a testbed environment with selected representative scenarios in which novel solutions can be deployed and evaluated.

Target outcomes:

  • An analysis on medical device security threats, including analysis on device resource and security trade-offs for distributed encryption, secure device-user interactions, and possible new algorithms for policy enforcement.
  • A testbed environment for the deployment and evaluation of novel security schemes. This includes a range of sensors (3-4) and medical devices in a realistic deployment scenario. A series of tests and attacks against these systems will also be designed for evaluating the security schemes.