Analytical Lenses for IoT Threats (ALIoTT)

ALIoTT – Analytical Lenses for IoT Threats


Analytical Lenses for Internet of Things (IoT) Threats will work on tools to analyse different threats in a wide array of infrastructural and service deployment contexts, creating, validating and piloting methods and software across the hub and with our broad pool of user partners, including government agencies.

This will in part be facilitated by the development of tools that can model and analyse threats and their potential impact on security, availability, and cost – and that can do that in a robust manner in face of the uncertainty inherent in such infrastructural contexts.

This project will focus on both social and technical lenses, addressing key technical problems while considering how they interact with standards and policy to create safe, practical and future-proof outcomes.

Target Outcomes:

  • From a broad range of application instances, a set of generic tools and techniques that might be useful in detecting, analysing and reducing or eliminating threats to critical infrastructure
  • Bench and field demonstrators and prototypes of threat detection and alleviation tools and techniques, , e.g. use of blockchain infrastructure in the monetization of IoT data or in the trust management of Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Bespoke numerical optimization tools that demonstrably are effective in exploring robust tradeoffs between resource management, security, and other measures of interest
  • A report on possible interventions via standards and procurement policies, which potentiate the beneficial effects of technical interventions