New forms of Public Value at the Edge : Designing for HDI and Trust in Media IoT Futures (eValuatE)
The eValuatE project aims to contribute cutting-edge research around edge media services for future research and design, resulting in an industry report and engagements that help apply the findings to the next generation of BBC products.
Public trust forms a core part of public service media’s remit and with a turn towards personal data in media, exemplified by the increase of IoT devices in users’ everyday lives, this drives innovation whilst presenting several socio-technical implications and challenges.
The eValuate project will join the BBC and its cross-disciplinary teams and partnerships to experiment with decentralised approaches to IoT data driven media innovation. The eValuatE project seeks to accelerate and extend the BBC’s research agenda around a user trial through the application of more extensive qualitative research methods that unpack user attitudes, behaviours and mass verdict around the value of edge solutions as a response to the socio-technical challenges of personal data leverage in media experiences.