Archive, Event

PETRAS IoT Hub represented at IoT Hearing in Brussels


The PETRAS IoT Hubs’ Standards, Governance and Policy research team was invited to a European Parliament hearing, organised by The Greens/EFA. The event with the title “#WannaCry: Lessons learned for Security and Liability in the Internet of Things” was convened by the Members of the European Parliament Jan Philipp Albrecht, Julia Reda and Reinhard Bütikofer. The hearing set out to identify the scale of IoT (in)security as well as potential regulatory options to counter risks associated with the emerging IoT ecosystem. Dr Leonie Tanczer, Research Associate at the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy at University College London, represented PETRAS in Brussels.  Tanczer provided evidence for the panel “Regulatory options: Liability – and what else?”. The full hearing was live-streamed, with the video of the event being now available online.